Monday, May 16, 2011

I grew up using the mail for correspondence.  I guess that dates me, but getting mail always made it a happy day.  I used to get the funniest cards from my grandparents Kelly.  They were great at picking out cards and they always came in time for my birthday or another holiday.  They would underline the parts that they wanted me to pay the most attention to.  My mom always sent cards too and still does, that is one of the reasons she is loved so much by others, her gift of correspondence.  My grandma Dunn would also send me cards.  On my birthday they had a $5.00 bill in them.  But letters were much more dear.  I still have one from my grandpa Dunn who died I believe in 1979.  My first real penpal experience started with Sybil, who is probably 30 years my senior and spent time with me on a trip she made to Utah to visit our family.  I remember taking walks with her, one walk all the way to the cemetery...which was very far for an eight-year-old girl.  When she left she said we could write and we did.  I don't remember much of what the letters said, but I do remember that she cared about me and that was nice for a lonely little girl in a small town in rural Utah.  I am writing to her again...just little notes with a comic inside.  They continue to go from Utah to California, just like before.  She says she enjoys them as now she sits in a confining spot and feeling lonely.   
This blog will not just be about in the writing kind.  It will just be about whatever I want to write about.  Mostly, I will try to write some memories....but you never know where life will take you.